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Ready for a new journey ?


Hi ladies ( and men if you stumbled across this somehow ) I’ll start by introducing myself . My name is Natalie , Mummy Blogger ( Little Darlings and me ) I’m a married 30 year old mother of four and just about to begin the journey of TTC ( trying to conceive ) again . Yes , some people that think that’s slightly insane the thought of 5 children but I wouldn’t have it any other way. i absolutely love having a large, busy family . We don’t do quiet in this house that’s for sure .

I became a mother at the age of 17 to my first boy , and in all honestly the road was rocky. I suffered in silence with Post Natal Depression , living in denial for way to long . There is a lot to this story which I will save for another blog but it has a happy ending I promise .

Six years after my first son along came my second . Unfortunately my second failed relationship came along with him too .

I was a single mother to them both for 2 years and then I met my now husband .

I fell pregnant with my third son early on in our relationship , It was only 3 months in but when you know you know right , happy accident I like to say . So three boys so far and all conceived incredibly quickly .

Not to long after his arrival me and my husband decided to try for another , hoping for a girl this time round we thought we would try the ‘ girl method ‘ which I had seen online .

Research shows that girl sperm swim slower then boy but they live longer . So theory is you make sure for want of a better word ‘ do it ‘ around 3 days before you ovulate , leaving hopefully more girl sperm living when ovulation occurs. We did this for 10 long months with no luck , until on the 11th month we had some joy .

But that joy was to be short lived as it turned out the pregnant didn’t progress and I had had a ‘ missed miscarriage ‘ . It took longer for what had started to leave my body so when I actually went through it , my body was still working as it would do in the background .

Somehow I had conceived again without knowing and 2 weeks after I found out I was pregnant again . Crazy right , I still now don’t quite understand what exactly happened but that little miracle became our beautiful rainbow daughter . Patience is key , and if you anything like me who does about 40 tests during my two week wait and spend around a hour examining the stick after to see if there a faint line , it’s hard , very hard and seeing negative tests month after month is hard but all those negatives eventually turned into one huge positive and she was totally worth the wait .

I know a lot of people struggle to conceive and I have such admiration for them. If you are struggling to conceive , if after a year you have no luck please see your GP . There are so many options now for where to go from there and know that you will have so much support too.

So skipping forward 10 months after my daughter and we’re back ready to do it all again for one last time , I mean that this time too , there’s only one space left in the car !

With the help of the Ovia fertility app , which I would highly recommend , combined with cheap ovulation sticks from eBay that I buy in bulk , we are currently tracking my cycles to try work out when I ovulate so we can start trying next month after we have been on holiday .

Currently my cycles are all over the place, some 27 days , some 38 , so it’s proving hard to totally know where ovulation is but i’m not trying any gender methods this time so it will be slightly easier to hopefully catch that egg I hope .

So if you made it this far , thank you for reading and hopefully you’ll stick around to continue this journey with me.

I’m making sure I’m stocking up on those pregnancy tests from eBay ready for the obsessive stick dipping to commence . Please tell me there’s others out there who do this too?

Helpful links below -

Ovulation sticks

Ovia App

Missed miscarriage infomation

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The information provided to you is backed by many years of knowledge on the nub theory. We are not medical professionals nor do we provide medical advice. If you feel that gender disappointment may be a worry, then a gender prediction may not be right for you.

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